Constructive Rest: The Audio Guide Series is adapted and expanded from Coaching Constructive Rest by Barbara Conable, a tool for Andover Educators. Though retired, Barbara Conable’s powerful teaching continues through her publications, improving the lives of musicians and many, many others. Barbara, thank you for your questing spirit and impeccable skill with language in teaching.
Kristine Aman has incredible skills as an artist and writer. Kristine created the CD cover series and the SmartPoise logo.
Many thanks are due to Margie Kimball, actress and Alexander Technique student, for posing for the photos. And a very special thanks to Mrs. Kimball, interior designer extraordinaire, for the use of her exquisite living room in which to shoot the photos.
John Fippin is President and audio engineer at Magnetic Studios. His calm, relaxed demeanor in the studio really helped the recording process be a breeze. His editing skills (and patience!) are greatly appreciated.
Nick Gratwick, audio engineer, and Anna Clara Casapollo, production assistant at Side Global London, facilitated a very smooth technology connection between Columbus, Ohio USA and London (Soho) UK for Fran’s recordings.